Tuesday 25 October 2011

What would i change about school?

I would extend the length of time we have doing of pe. I think we need this because all the students want this and want to keep fit. I would get rid of everything else accept a little bit of english so miss kelly isnt out of a job. And maybe some maths, as long as mister does yell at us. Everyone would enjoy this type of school.
We neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed longer breaks. We dont get time to eat our lunch, talk to our friends and do what we want to do. I think the teachers need to stop being so cruel. Its always me and my friends getting yelled at even when others are talking or even when we arent talking.

Finally, what i would do is lower the prices of the food and drink in the cafe. Its so expensive, its a damn rip off i think all the students would be happy if the prices were lower so people can stop scabbing off me.

1 comment:

  1. Please go through and fix this - make it more formal, edit the mistakes, make what you are saying a new paragraph when you change topic etc.
    Perhaps you and your friends are the loudest when off task, which makes you the most noticeable :P
